Worship Leader

Rev. Danáe Ashley

The Rev. Danáe Ashley is an Episcopal priest and licensed marriage and family therapist who has ministered with parishes in North Carolina, New York, Minnesota, and the Seattle area and is a therapist at Soul Spa Seattle, LLC (www.soulspaseattle.com). 

Danáe uses art, music, drama, poetry, and movement in counseling, spiritual direction, and creation of ritual. She has written for Working Preacher, Luther Seminary's Faith+Lead, Sermons that Work, and other publications, as well as being a contributor to podcasts, books, and producing a play about fertility struggle. 

Her latest adventure has been on pilgrimage with St. Hildegard von Bingen: speaking and writing about Hildegard, viriditas, and psychotherapy. Danae's favorite pastimes include reading, traveling with her husband, making sure their rescue dog Cooper is living his best life, dancing with wild abandon to Celtic music, and serious karaoke.

Keynote Speaker

Rev. Andrea Cano

Rev. Andrea Rose Cano is an ordained minister with the United Church of Christ, who responded to the call of spiritual care as a clinical and palliative care chaplain at an age when most people are planning to retire.


Before arriving in the northwest in 1999, she filled her passports serving with the Geneva-based World Council of Churches, the World Association for Christian Communication, and the Latin American Council of Churches.


This Spring, she just completed two seasons embracing joy as the volunteer pastor and designer of worship for the New Blue Church, an English speaking, interdenominational community in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico, of faithful and progressive people from Canada, the US, and Mexico. 


An ecumenist and interfaith practitioner, she continues to deepen her appreciation of the ways our seven senses move us closer to the Holy and to one another. Now back in Portland, Oregon, she enjoys singing at the Low Bar Chorale events, cooking tasty meals, and hosting tertulias with families and friends.